Estonian environmental organizations condemn the bridge plans between Saaremaa and mainland Estonia writes Ärileht (ä
Saaremaa island is the biggest Estonian island. A fixed-line connection between Saaremaa and the rest of the country is on the cards for some time. Environmental organizations had sent a letter to the government over the potential damage a bridge would cause for the Väinameri bird and nature reserve, before the last week's government planning meeting over the state plans for the bridge.
Chamber of Environmental Associations on 10 June have indicated that a tunnel would be the wise choice as the fixed link for protecting environment. A total of 11 environmental organizations have announced that they support the position of the Chamber of Environmental Associations on this matter.
" The Estonian Chamber of Environmental Associations (EKO) proposed not to initiate a special plan and environmental impact assessment related to the Suur Strait Bridge. Instead of a bridge, a tunnel is considered a better solution. "
Eesti Keskkonnaühenduste Koja (EKO) tegi ettepaneku mitte algatada Suure väina sillaga seotud eriplaneeringut ja keskkonnamõjude hindamist. Silla asemel peetakse tunnelit paremaks lahenduseks.
There are three fixed connection options between Saaremaa and mainland Estonia:
A south bridge, A north bridge and a Tunnel.
The graph in the link below has a graphics. If you click on options, you will see the projected costs associated with each option.
Saaremaale sõiduks või sealt mandrile naasmiseks praamijärjekorras seistes oleme küllap kõik mõelnud, et miks ometi ei võiks praami asemel olla ühenduseks sild või tunnel. Valitsus otsustas juunis algatada püsiühenduse kavandamiseks eriplaneeringu...
cover tunnel photo by: Matt Brown from London, England / CC BY
Copyright 2019-2024
Keskkonnaühendused laidavad Saaremaa silla plaani: tunnel on realistlikum
arileht.delfi.eeEelmisel nädalal otsustas valitsus algatada riigi eriplaneeringu Saaremaa ja mandri püsiühenduse kavandamiseks. Keskkonnaühendused saatsid enne seda valitsusele kirja, kus palusid eriplaneeringut sellisel kujul mitte algatada, kuna tänaste teadmist...