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Spain formalizes the contract for an €22m upgrade of the San Juan tunnel on the A-70 in Valencia

    Danilo Merges
    By Danilo Merges Replies (2)

    Tunel San Juan

    23-11-2020 - Spain's The Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (Mitma), announces the formalization of the contract for the upgrade of the San Juan tunnel. The tunnel is on the A-70 highway in the province of Alicante. The award amount is 22,07 million euros.

    The scope of the upgrade is a new emergency exit, service galleries, a new technical building, electrical installations will be built, and equipment, ventilation and the improvement of the drainage system.

    Ministry says:

    Royal Decree 635/2006, of May 26, on minimum safety requirements in State highway tunnels, establishes the criteria to be followed to apply the conditions and requirements of the current development in the tunnels of the State Highway Network of transport infrastructure requires.

    For its part, the San Juan tunnel, located on the A-70 highway, has a length of 1,840 m and has been in service since 1990. It is a false tunnel, with a tube for each carriageway and supports an average daily intensity of 60,000 vehicles.

    The actions that are the object of the works contract are the following:

    Emergency exits: a new emergency exit is built on the south side, so that in total there will be 6 exits on each side.
    Ventilation shafts: the existing longitudinal ventilation is replaced by a smoke extraction system.
    Service galleries: parallel to both gables, two open galleries are built to house all the pipes and services.
    Longitudinal drainage: a separative drainage system is projected for accidental spills, independent of the drainage of the road.
    New technical building: next to the existing building, a new one is built to house the electrical control and measurement equipment, the transformers and the generating sets.
    Electrical installation: new high voltage line, new transformers and generator sets.
    Equipment: the interior signage, the closed circuit television system, the public address system, the interior communications coverage, the emergency lighting and the control center integrating platform are improved. In addition, variable messaging panels are implemented at the entrances.


