In the news of VCOAzzurraTV, President of the Verbano-Cusio-Ossola (VCO) province, Arturo Lincio has said that either the existing Sempione Tunnel (in German Simplontunnel) should be expanded or a new base tunnel must be built under the Sempione (Simplon) Pass.
Lincio has said the data from the Swiss survey on the development of heavy transit through the Alps shows that the Sempione railway line capacity has been saturated. He said that the infrastructure should be adapted accordingly. He said the tunnel capacity must be matched with the that of the Lotschberg base tunnel in Switzerland.
He emphasized the importance of increased cargo transport capacity from northern Europe through the Sempione tunnel for the region's economy and employment. Lincio sees a future with a cargo transport link connecting ports of Rotterdam and Genoa. He wants the Sempione Tunnel to be a national priority and an Italian-Swiss inter-governmental committee should be set up.
cover tunnel photo by: Matt Brown from London, England / CC BY
Copyright 2019-2024
Lincio chiede il raddoppio della galleria del Sempione o un nuovo tunnel di base tra il Vallese e l''Ossola
www.vcoazzurratv.itDice: “Guardiamo oltralpe, per adeguare la capacità di trasporto del Sempione al completamento da parte della Svizzera della galleria di base del Lotschberg”
“Guardiamo oltralpe, per adeguare la capacità di trasporto del Sempione al...