Finally there is a renewed hope to finish Barcelona's L9 for once and all. Construction of L9 metro line had been stopped since 2011. Problem was unstoppable cost overruns.
Now the government intends to restart the construction and take the remaining parts of the line in operation between 2026 and 2029.
If ever completed,the massively over-budget L9 will be the longest metro line in Europe. It is 47,8 km. It has 34 stations.
Per plans, works will start in 2021. Priority is to complete the central section of the L9 (and L10 which shares the same route along some stations) with eleven stations between Sagrera and Zona Universitària stations.
Unlike other metro lines in Barcelona which use two separate tubes for two directions, L9 is constructed as one large-bore tube by a 11.95 metres tunnel boring machine (TBM).
map: Vinals, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
cover tunnel photo by: Matt Brown from London, England / CC BY
Copyright 2019-2024
Llum al final del túnel per a l’L9 del metro
www.elpuntavui.catEl govern impulsarà aquest any la represa dels treballs al tronc central de la línia taronja, que estan aturats des del 2008 Es treballarà per a l'acabament esglaonat de les estacions pendents entre els anys 2026 i 2029