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Kirgizistan sign memorandum with China to build tunnel on the Too-Ashuu pass

    Bogdan A. Dašić

    Asiais write Kirgizistan Ministry of Transport signed a memorandum with Chinese company China National Electric Engineering Co., Ltd. (CNEEC)

    Memorandum is to build a road tunnel on the Too-Ashuu pass. There is an old tunnel in this mountain pass build in 1960s, K. Kolbaeb tunnel. Old tunnel can operate only one way with trucks. New tunnel will be 1000 below existing K. Kolbaeb tunnel. It will be also safer.

    Kirgiz government was searching for investors to finance tunnel construction. It is not known what proposal CNEEC has made. There are rumors that Kirgiz officials not happy with CNECC demands for exclusive right to design, build and commission the new tunnel. In negotiations, CNEEC was represented by  Chinese company "K7" Christopher Tan. Negotiations began in November 2020. There was a conference call on December 31 2020 and on January 11 signed memorandum sent.

    If China loans the money for tunnel, it is certain China will enforce construction by Chinese companies.



