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Magdeburg Tunnel needs 14 million euro more to be invested

    Lutz Genscher
    By Lutz Genscher Replies (4)

    14 million euro of total 200+ million euros for Magdeburg's Central Station tunnel is yet to be invested. Project officials complain about finding contractors. Even with high prices dictated by booming construction market it is difficult to find interested contractors they say.


    • Dave Anderson
      By Dave Anderson

      " it is difficult to find interested contractors"?  Could it be because the German government's protectionist policies?

      If you only consider German contractors for a given contract, it is normal that it will be difficult to find takers. Especially when you think other countries e.g. USA have their doors wide open for German contractors.

      The German mentality: Let's share what is yours. Mine is mine.

    • Peter R. Morgan
      By Peter R. Morgan

      @Dave I give you this one. Germany only wants to export, sell and keeps its own market difficult to reach for foreign companies.

    • Adrian Olmex
      By Adrian Olmex

      'officials complain about finding contractors'. I am speechless.

      Has it ever occurred to German authorities to open their doors to foreign contractors like other countries give work to German companies?

