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Kolkata East-West Metro Line: Less than final 30 meters for the TBM Urvi

    Rohit Agarwal
    By Rohit Agarwal Replies (2)

    The Tunnel Boring Machine Urvi excavating the risky final stretch of Kolkata East-West Metro Line has got less than 30 meters to finish the job.

    Kolkata Metro Rail Corporation's (KMRC) East-West Line excavation has been very eventful. In August 2019, 700 people had to be evacuated because of cracks in their houses. The project's original TBM Chundi got stuck and had to be abandoned. The TBM is said to have hit a aquifer resulting in water seepage and the subsequent subsidence.

    Finalyy the replacement TBM Urvi is expected to finish the boring on Thursday.


