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Germany's TUM Boring is going to release NFT

    Tim Altman
    By Tim Altman Replies (3)

    Preparing for The Boring Company's 'Not a Boring Competition' to produce an innovative TBM,  Germany's TUM Boring is going to release NFMs. An NFT or a "Non Fungible Token" is a digital product based on blockchain technology. Just like bitcoin. It is mostly a digital art. It is different from bitcoin in the way that, a bitcoin has many other bitcoin occurances which is identical in value. Just like one US dollar is the same as any other US dollar. But each NFT is unique, in the same way Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa is unique.

    TUM Boring announced they would release NFTs in the digital market on July 27th. I think they are trying to raise some funds for the competition.

