About two months ago, Oslo city council was supposed to release the proposal by concept for the planned Røatunnel "by the end of year". It was understood as "by the end of 2021". It hasn't come.
The tunnel is planned to reduce the through traffic through Røa and make the center of Røa available for more green. There are two alternatives on the table to be studied: A 450 meter long short tunnel. And the other option of 980 meter long long tunnel.
Oslo Municipality has already budgeted NOK 4,937,000 for the study of the Røa tunnel in 2022, and another NOK 4,750,000 for 2023. But Akersposten writes that nothing has been budgeted for planning or construction.
cover tunnel photo by: Matt Brown from London, England / CC BY
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Røatunnel: - Det er vanskelig å forstå byrådets innbitte motvilje
akersposten.noVentetiden er ikke over for valg av konsept til Røa-tunnel. Byrådet lovet å legge frem en utredning til politisk behandling før jul, men gjorde de det?