Byggeindustrien writes, based on a meeting report from January, that Norway's Water and Sewerage Authority (VAV) has awarded the Oslo's water project to the only bidder. The JV of AF and Ghella. The price of NOK 8.77 billion was significantly higher than expected, with a deviation of around 1.8 billion.
in early February, the AF Gruppen and Ghella joint venture had been awarded the E6 Rentvannstunnel Project for the construction of a new water distribution network. The total value of the contract is NOK 8 750 million excl. VAT (approximately 870M€). with AF-Gruppen has 60%of the value of the design and build contract.
cover tunnel photo by: Matt Brown from London, England / CC BY
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(+) Oslos vannprosjekt fikk bare ett tilbud – prisen ble 1,8 milliarder høyere enn forventet
www.bygg.noVann- og avløpsetaten (VAV) fikk kun ett tilbud da arbeidsfellesskapet AF og Ghella sikret seg rekordkontrakt i Oslos vannprosjekt. Prisen på 8,77 milliarder kroner var betydelig høyere enn forventet, viser et møtereferat fra januar. Nå kan...