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The writings on 3500-year old tunnel stones have been deciphered in Türkiye

    Erdem Mertoğlu


    Nesili people have lived in Türkiye thousands of years ago. They have been named "Hittites" by European sourced based on some story in Bible. Nesilis are believed to have migrated to Türkiye from other parts of Europe and eventually settled at the land of the Hatti people. They called their country `Hattuşa` meaning the 'land of Hatti`, the very people whose lands they invaded and started to rule. Very political rulers!

    The capital of Nesili were also called Hattuşa, near current Turkish city of Çorum. There is a 50 meter long tunnel in this city. It was build 3500 years ago but today still stands. It was built as a doorgate, to impress the friendly and not-so-friendly other states.

    That tunnel is visited by thousands every year. But only a few years ago, an academician, Doç. Dr. Bülent Genç from Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi Arkeoloji department has realized some writings on the tunnel stones. First they were thought to be religious writings. But later they were discovered to be signatures of the tunnel builders. Every stone had the signature of its builder. From 3500 years ago!

