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Indonesia: PT MRT Jakarta changes management

    Yi  Wei
    By Yi Wei Replies (1)

    press release from PT MRT Jakarta

    Changes to the Composition of Directors and Commissioners of PT MRT Jakarta

    Jakarta, 30 October 2023. Based on the results of the decision of the shareholders of PT MRT Jakarta (Perseroda) as of October 30, 2023 with number 720 of 2023 and number 443/072 concerning changes in the composition of the Board of Directors and Commissioners decided the following matters:

    Display with respect, Br. Muhammad Effendi as Director of PT MRT Jakarta (Perseroda) and expressed his gratitude and high appreciation for his dedication while serving as Director of PT MRT Jakarta (Perseroda).

    Lifted Ms. Mega Indahwati Natangsa Tarigan as Director of PT MRT Jakarta (Perseroda) with a term of office in accordance with the Company's Articles of Association.

    Display with respect, Br. William Sabandar and Br. Novie Riyanto as Commissioner of PT MRT Jakarta (Perseroda), and

    Lifted Ms. Jujun Endah Wahjuningrum as Commissioner of PT MRT Jakarta.

    Previously Mega Indahwati Natangsa Tarigan served as President Director of PT Jaklingko Indonesia. Before that, he had served for 13 years at PT MRT Jakarta (Perseroda) with his last position as Head of the Railway Operation Division. Meanwhile, Jujun Endah Wahjuningrum currently also serves as Secretary of the Directorate General of Railways of the Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia.

    With the appointment, the composition of the company's management becomes as follows:

    board of Commissioners:

    President Commissioner: Dodik Wijanarko

    Commissioner: Rukijo

    Commissioner: Bambang Kristiyono

    Commissioner: Jujun Endah Wahjuningrum


    President Director: tuhiyat

    Director of Finance and Corporate Management: Roy Rahendra

    Director of Business Development: Farchad Mahfud

    Construction Director: Weni Maulina

    Director of Operations and Maintenance: Mega Indahwati Natangsa Tarigan


