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Construction of the Genoa Subport Tunnel Starts: First Underwater Tunnel In Italy, The Largest In Europe

    Gianluca Gallota

    The works, carried out by Autostrade Per L'italia, were Inaugurated in the presence of ministers Salvini and Piantedosi.

    Work officially started on the Genoa Subport Tunnel, the first underwater tunnel ever built in Italy and the largest in Europe. It is a work that represents the excellence of Italian engineering and which contains all the characteristics of a new way of conceiving infrastructures. Designed with a view to environmental and social sustainability, the new tunnel represents a turning point of strategic importance for the territory and for the country, improving both city connections and accessibility to the port of Genoa, among the leading Italian ports for goods traffic and passengers, essential access over the Mediterranean Sea to the European market for goods from/to all over the world.

    Thanks to the opening of the new work to traffic, expected by August 2029, it will be possible to save more than 1 million hours of travel every year, with positive repercussions also in environmental terms. The city will also acquire 10 hectares of new above-ground urban parks, which will benefit communities. The tunnel project, in fact, was born as a real urban redevelopment plan, as well as transport, with the aim of contributing to the strengthening of the urban green network, sewing up highly anthropized areas with the creation of three new public parks and cycle/pedestrian paths capable of enhancing pre-existing buildings. The new parks will thus become an integral part of the Genoese landscape system, recalling its characteristics and the history of its territory, its gardens, parks, squares and its seafront, in favor of a structural continuity of green systems to defend and support quality environment and biodiversity.

    The project, defined thanks to the contribution of local institutions on the basis of the Genoa master plan drawn up by Studio Renzo Piano and under the supervision of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, is an expression of the synergy between the companies of the Aspi Group, starting with Tecne, a of engineering which oversaw the design, up to Amplia, the first construction company for activities at a national level, which will take care of the first phase of work.

    The construction site located in the Genoese district of San Benigno was inaugurated this morning by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Matteo Salvini, the Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi, the Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Edoardo Rixi, the President of the Liguria Region Giovanni Toti, the Prefect of Genoa Cinzia Torraco, the Mayor of Genoa Marco Bucci, the Extraordinary Commissioner of the Port System Authority of the Western Ligurian Sea Paolo Piacenza and, for Autostrade per l'Italia, the President Elisabetta Oliveri and the CEO Roberto Tomasi.

    Following the preparatory works already started during 2023, the works start today with the start of the demolition of the large CSM industrial warehouse, by two gigantic cranes with grapples, thus opening up to the city an area of over 25,000 square meters in the which will be the western entrance to the tunnel, from which the excavations will start. With a 3.4 kilometer long route, made up of two separate main tunnels, one for each direction of travel, with an external excavation diameter of approximately 16 metres, which will run at a maximum depth of -45 meters in the port basin area, the The Genoa subport tunnel project, thanks to an investment of approximately 1 billion euros, ranks among the first in the world among underwater tunnels in terms of excavation diameter size.

    Subsequently, the Legality Protocol relating to the project was signed at the headquarters of the Prefecture of Genoa, which has the aim of enhancing transparency and legality, preventing and combating illegal activities in the phases of awarding and carrying out the works, through monitoring systems and the control of the subjects involved, for the necessary information to the competent authorities regarding any suspicion of mafia infiltration, and for the application of sanctions in the case of violations of the measures provided for in the protocol.

    "Today represents a historic moment for Genoa and for the whole of Liguria - comments the president of the Liguria Region Giovanni Toti -. The start of work on the subport tunnel, a unique project in Italy, is in fact a long-awaited goal, which The Liguria Region contributed to completing the authorization process linked to the Services Conference in record time, in less than a year. This construction site adds to those of the large works in progress.


