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Canada: Completion of Montréal’s REM is further delayed to a date after 2024

    Alan Limbach
    By Alan Limbach Replies (1)

    Montréal REM (Réseau express métropolitain)

    An announcement on the REM (Réseau express métropolitain) project website says the project is progressing well, with significant advances''. And then it continues `"However, three major stages remain to be completed before the network is fully operational: completion of work in the Mount Royal Tunnel, testing of cars on all branches, and testing of the entire network by integrating the branches under construction with the South Shore segment already in service.".

    And then comes the news that the modernization of the Mount Royal Tunnel has not yet been finished and this pushes the last scheduled opening date from late 2024 to a later date...

    The REM is an automated light rail system with 26 stations across Greater Montréal.


    Map courtesy of REM.


