The development consortium responsible for building Melbourne’s West Gate Tunnel has taken inadequate measures to protect workers and the public from toxic contaminants, including asbestos and perfluoralkyl substances (PFAs), according to the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union (CFMMEU).
Construction of the West Gate Tunnel project is being overseen by a joint venture involving John Holland and CPB Contractors.
CPB Contractors and John Holland lay off 140 workers building Melbourne’s West Gate Tunnel because of the dispute between the Victoria's Andrews government over who is responsible for the contaminated soil.
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No deal between the Andrews' government and the contractors John Holland & CPB for dealing with the contaminated soil means further delay at Melbourne's West Gate tunnel construction.
Tunnel Boring Machines on the $6.7 billion West Gate Tunnel could sit idle underground for 6 more months
Tunnelling machines on the $6.7 billion West Gate Tunnel project are unable to be started due to the lack of any plan to deal with large amounts of toxic soil.
Neither the contractors nor the state government want to deal with the contaminated soil and the workers end up paying for it... 137 Workers at Melbourne's West Gate tunnel construction have lost their jobs.
West Gate Tunnel workers laid off after delays caused by PFAS contamination
Delays to the $6.7 billion West Gate Tunnel project lead to the sacking of 137 workers and put the Andrews Government's 2022 deadline in doubt.
The workers laid off from Melbourne's West Gate tunnel speak up:
"They knew PFAS was being sprayed everywhere"
"We came here in good faith that we would be employed and had a job to do."
Dozens of West Gate Tunnel workers have been sacked, with tunnelling on the project not expected to start for at least another six months.
It was only short time ago that they've got their shiny P.R. boys and girls publish honeypot "news" in respected publishing outlets. And now they fire the same workers who may have relocated from other parts of Australia or even from abroad to work at Melbourne's West Gate. They throw them away, just like disposable cups.
Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews tells the West Gate contractors John Holland and CPB Contractors to stop playing silly games.
"When it comes to tendering new jobs and new work, we look to people with a track record of delivery, not a track record of playing games.
"Companies trying to squeeze the taxpayer by playing silly games, that simply will not work."
Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has warned the company tasked with delivering Melbourne's West Gate Tunnel that he won't rule out revisiting another of their...
Melbourne West Gate Tunnel construction companies terminate contracts
The subcontractors terminated their deal with Transurban because of issues with contaminated soil.
Not fast or cheap, but the West Gate Tunnel project is out of control
Treasurer Tim Pallas billed it as the multi-billion-dollar road deal that was too good to refuse: a massive new motorway through Melbourne’s west, to be delivered by Transurban at virtually no cost to taxpayers.
The Westgate Tunnel construction has stalled while construction companies and the state government argue over who will pay for cost overruns.
Committee for Ballarat CEO Michael Poulton is worried by the developments and the effects they will have for the rest of Western Victoria.
The Westgate Tunnel construction has stalled while construction companies and the state government argue over who will pay for cost overruns.
Soil contamination has resulted in the proponent and builder of the $6.7b project arguing if the contract can be terminated.
Well, good for them. Then why did they not do something about it?
Andrews government warned six months ago builders could pull out of West Gate project
#WestGate #johnholland #CPBcontractors #Melbourne
The builders of the $6.7 billion West Gate Tunnel project are threatening to dump the Andrews government's flagship transport project over what they claim is a failure to deal with contaminated soil.
Melbourne West Gate Tunnel construction companies terminate contracts
The subcontractors terminated their deal with Transurban because of issues with contaminated soil.
`Builders and toll road operators don’t have to win elections`
Someone has to blink first to resolve the West Gate Tunnel mess and the Premier might have the most to lose.
Contractors CPB Contractors & John Holland and the Andrews Government are all guilty.
West Gate tunnel contractors CPB Contractors and John Holland have walked away from the contract claiming a “force majeure termination event”. It means the contamination was beyond the reasonable expectations and their means to...
Melbourne's West Gate Tunnel builders had no road map for big dig dump plan
Leaked documents from the West Gate builders (John Holland, CPB Contractors) show they had not settled on a transport plan or a dump site for the 2.3 million tonnes of soil as late as last October, two months after Premier Daniel Andrews said digging was about to start.
This was how prepared they were. No wonder they came with short feet afterwards and wanted to ditch the project leaving a unfinished work. Quite a professionalism.
Serious delays to the West Gate Tunnel's waste management plans are exposed in leaked documents revealing there was no clear guide on where to send the project's soil, just as tunnelling was set to begin.
Transurban under pressure to resolve West Gate Tunnel dispute
#JohnHolland #CPBContractors #WestGate #Melbourne #Australia
The Victorian government is taking a hard line on Transurban's West Gate Tunnel problems.
West Gate soap opera goes on and on.
Leaked documents reveal Victoria's environmental watchdog graded the Metro Tunnel soil's contamination level more than a year before digging started, but is yet to rule on the stalled West Gate Tunnel, six months after boring was due to start.
Leaked documents reveal the environmental regulator signed off on the Metro Tunnel's contaminated soil more than a year before digging started, but the same approvals are yet to be granted on the delayed West Gate Tunnel.
Residents along the West Gate Tunnel corridor have been relocated to Quest apartments due to noise from hydroblasting works. Some …
cover tunnel photo by: Matt Brown from London, England / CC BY
Copyright 2019-2024
So much of Melbourne West Gate Tunnel's excavated soil is polluted that, they cannot find a place to dump it.
Nearly 800,000 cubic metres soil and rock is heavily contaminated with asbestos and PFAS...
#Australia #WestGateTunnel #Pollution #worksafety
Dirt files: Andrews' big dig unearth more toxic soil than the tips can handle 800,000 cubic metres of toxic soil and rock will be unearthed by the state’s major transport projects, but experts warn that there is nowhere to dump it all.