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Metro Warsaw 2nd Line: Location of new stations decided. Gulermak launched 2 more TBM


The location of station "Powstańców Śląskich' announced in the extension of Warsaw subway's second line, report RDC.

This decision removes the last uncertainty for the companies building the extension: Turkey's Gulermak and Italy's Astaldi.

Metro Warszawskie had assigned Gulermak and Astaldi to build the extension in the end of 2019 and it is expected to finish latest begin of 2023.

Over two months ago, I had already posted update over Gulermak lowering two TBM machines 'Anna'and 'Maria' to bore tunnels from the Bródno station to the Trock station. Now Gulermak also launched two more TBM machines Krystyna and Elisabetta for the Bemowo extension.

