in Čortanovci tunnel the second tube is broken with ceremony. Tunnel is on path of high speed train tunnel on the railway section Stara Pazova - Novi Sad. The larger scheme it is part of high speed train line connecting Belgrade and Budapest (Hungary).
Čortanovci tunnel has two tubes. Each one track. Total length of both tubes is 2,242 meters. The first tube was already broken on April 3 2020.
Ceremony was attended by Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Zorana Mihajlovic, the Prime Minister Igor Mirovic, the director of "RZD International" in Serbia Mansurbek Sultanov and representatives of the Russian Embassy in Belgrade.
Čortanovci tunnel is built by Russian company "RŽD international". Company's Serbia director Mansurbek Sultanov also gave a speech during breakthrough ceremony.
На железничкој деоници Стара Пазова - Нови Сад пробијена је лева цев тунела "Чортановци", у оквиру изградње пруге за велике брзине између Београда и Будимпеште. На јесен следеће године од Београда до Новог Сада путоваћемо 30 минута, рекла...
From 021. rs:
Minister of Construction, Zorana Mihajlović: "You get on the train, read two or three messages and arrive in Novi Sad [from Belgrade]".
Belgrade - Novi Sad route costing 850 million dollars will be ready by November 2021 and trains will run at 200 km/hour. On this route is the Čortanovci tunnel is being built. It is a twin-tube tunnel with each tube approximately 1100 meters long. There is also a longer viaduct with the same name.
Both the Čortanovci tunnel and the Čortanovci viaduct are financed by the Russia (337.6 million dollars) and built by Russian company RZD International.
Karta za voz od Beograda do Novog Sada, kad pruga bude gotova, neće biti mnogo skuplja nego što je bila do sada, rekla je ministarka građevinarstva Zorana Mihajlović.
Novi Sad-Belgrade high-speed railway with tunnel from the air.
Brza pruga #Beograd - #NoviSad jedan je od najimpresivnijih projekata koji trenutnno realizujemo. Brza pruga rezultat je politike i predanosti Predsednika Al...
cover tunnel photo by: Matt Brown from London, England / CC BY
Copyright 2019-2024
Probijen tunel u Čortanovcima (Video)