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ESA warns Norway for the 68 tunnels which still do not meet European safety standards after 14 years of transition period

    Paul K. Madsen
    By Paul K. Madsen Replies (3)

    68 Tunnels in Norway do not meet the safety standards of the European Union. Norway had 14 years to comply with the EU tunnel safety standards which came into effect in December 2006. Norway had to upgrade its tunnels until 1 May 2020. Even after 14 years, it is strange that there are still so many non-compliant tunnels in Norway.

    Norway is not a member of the EU but as a member of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), has to comply by some of the rules of the EU. EFTA is a satellite free trade organization around the EU and consists of EU countries plus Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. EU audits the compliance of EFTA agreement via the EFTA Surveillance Authority (yet another acronym: ESA)

    Most of these tunnels are old tunnels which are the most complicated to upgrade.

    ESA of the European Union has sent a letter to the Norwegian authorities which must be answered within 3 months. ESA's president is Bente Angell-Hansen, a former Norwegian diplomat. If necessary ramifications are not made, ESA can take Norway to EFTA court.

