"The renewed Orlovsky Tunnel project will most likely be built under the same closed and non-transparent agreement under which the WHSD was built at one time. Smolny officials again decided to hand over all the calculations to the investor himself, which is fraught with new corruption schemes."
writes Wek.
St Petersburg's Orlovsky tunnel project goes some years back. There was an earlier concession agreement with LLC Nevskaya Concession Company (of First Quantum group) for construction of the Orlovsky tunnel. A two level and three lanes at each direction. But in 2012, the contract was terminated.
On November 30, 2021, chairman of the Committee for the Development of Transport Infrastructure (KRTI) of St. Petersburg, Andrey Levakin, said that they support the construction of the Orlovsky automobile Tunnel.
But criticism has been going on the way St Petersburg handles the "new" project and it is seen as a new occurrence of corruption...
cover tunnel photo by: Matt Brown from London, England / CC BY
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«Орловский тоннель» может стать непрозрачным проектом, за который будут втемную платить из бюджета города
wek.ruВозобновленный проект «Орловского тоннеля» скорее всего будет построен по такому же закрытому и непрозрачному соглашению, по которому в свое время возводился ЗСД. Чиновники Смольного снова решили отдать все подсчеты на откуп самому инвестору, что...