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A TBM Article: Emerging Technologies in Tunnel Construction

    Coert Klomp
    By Coert Klomp Replies (3)



    A short article touching interesting developments in tunnelling technologies in recent times.

    Some interesting questions:

    Trend toward large bore tunnels by large-diameter TBMs
    Challenges associated with building and using large-bore TBMs
    Technological improvements to increase the practicality of large TBMs
    Advantages of large bores vs. twin bores
    Single large bore vs twin bore when it comes to cost of construction and maintenance
    Safety considerations of large bore tunnels
    Future of large bore tunneling
    Status of hyperloop development
    Role of tunneling in hyperloop development


    I found it refreshing. Let me hear your opinions:



    • Santiago Morales
      By Santiago Morales

      Still prefer twin bores to large bores. Large bore technology is not mature I think.

    • Alan Limbach
      By Alan Limbach

      Twin-bore tunnels have their challenges. The distance between the tubes must be carefully calculated taking into the geological conditions. Otherwise two bores sabotage each other because of the pressure.

      And for large bores, I am very much in the same thinking with the article: exponential increase in cutterhead torque requirements, increased cutting tool wear and replacement, large variation of pressure across the tunnel face and large perimeter of the annular gap between the excavated diameter and the lining extrados.

      More and more projects choose large bores for the wrong reasons, like prestige by greedy politicians. I think disadvantages of large bores surpass their advantages for now.

    • Alan Limbach
      By Alan Limbach

      Forgot to thank you for posting this horizon expanding article.

