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The Boring Company's PRUFROCK. "Electric powered & 10-15 times faster than current TBMs"

    R.N. Mischke
    By R.N. Mischke Replies (3)


    I don't know what to make of the Prufrock news. Elon Musk is sometimes a bit speculative.

    Can you imagine if he is right this time? Can you imagine what such an ultra-TBM means for existing TBM companies? Bye bye Herrenkhecht, bye bye Robbins, bye bye CREG, bye bye all old tech

    Can it be true? Can anybody share info about Prufrock here?

    • Ari G.J. van der Dijk
      By Ari G.J. van der Dijk

      if the boring company and elon musk deliver prufrock with the claimed performance level

      1- it will be like BC, AD, like a new millenium for mechanised tunneling

      2- people from herrenknecht, robbins, hitachi zosen, terratec, creg ,crhi will be ashamed of telling in public which company they work for.

      my bet is, it can not achieve 10-15 fold performance gain in one leap. even 2-fold is revolutionary.

      go prufrock!

    • Paolo Kerguel
      By Paolo Kerguel

      Neither Elon Musk nor his The Boring Company let any information out. I am sure Elon Musk wil do what he did with cars, revolutionize tunnel boring machine technology with Prufrock.@R.N.Mischke Yes Elln Musk can be speculative but he also delivers. The guy sends rockets to space for God's sake!

    • Aydin Kalenderovic
      By Aydin Kalenderovic

      Super Tunnel boring machine. I believe him.

