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Romania: Construction of 1590 meter tunnel on Sibiu-Pitești highway cause deforestation

Economedia report writes the contractor of Lot 2 of the 1 Sibiu-Pitești highway (31.33 km of highway with 7 tunnels with lengths from 250 m to 1590 m, 49 bridges and viaducts and 1 Ecoduct) has started deforestration.

I do not know which agency checks whether deforestation is done accurately or more than necessary. I do not know if they check it.

news is at https://economedia.ro/video-autostrada-sibiu-pitesti-au-inceput-defrisarile-pe-lotul-2-langa-caineni-unde-va-fi-construit-si-tunelul-de-1590-metri.html

