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Only 6 out of 15 bidders qualify for 1,2 billion Euros Sibiu-Pitești highway with tunnel in Romania. All Chinese bidders eliminated

    I. Stoica
    By I. Stoica Replies (3)

    Sibiu–Pitești- Secțiunea 3 Cornetu –Tigveni

    The competition to get the 1,2 billion euros Sibiu-Pitești highway construction is heating up.

    15 Consortia and companies had bidden for the lot 3 of the Sibiu-Pitești highway, the one between Cornetu and Tigveni with an estimated cost of 1,1-1,2 billion euros. It is 37,4 kilometre and has a 3,4km (2 tubes x 1,7km) long tunnel as well. Project is overseen by The National Company for Road Infrastructure Management (CNAIR).

    Digi24 writes that out of 15 bidding consortia and companies only 6 have been approved by the road companby (CNAIR). Very interesting that all bidders from China are dropped from the list.

    The bidders still in the race are:

    • Strabag - Acciona
    • Aktor - Riccani de Eccher
    • Astaldi - TANCRAD
    • Impresa Pizzarotti & C SpA
    • Mapa - Cengiz

    Very interesting that Greece's Aktor is still in the race, given the situation that they are struggling to finish lot 2 of the Sebeș-Turda highway...


