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Sayıştay (Turkish State's Audit Unit) blames Turkish State for deficient tunnel construction deaths investigation

    Erkan Dönmez
    By Erkan Dönmez Replies (1)


    On 24 September 2020 there was an explosion at Kop Dağı Tunnel construction (Trabzon-Aşkale road). In explosion 1 worker died and 10 workers seriously injured.

    Sayıştay (Turkish State's Audit Unit) blames the Turkish state safeguarding the rights of the pro-AKP (Erdoğan's party governing Turkey) contractors (Bayburt Group's Şenbay Madencilik ile Özgün İnşaat companies) in place of workers.

    It became clear that 5 years before the explosion the Karayolları (Turkish public roads) local unit warned that there was gas coming out in the construction....

