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Aplicación de métodos de análisis retrospectivos (Back Analysis) para estimar el estado de esfuerzo de un túnel del oriente Antioqueño / Application of retrospective analysis methods (Back Analysis) to estimate the stress state of a tunnel in eastern Antioquia

    Danilo Merges
    By Danilo Merges Replies (2)

    Master thesis at Universidad Nacional de Colombia

    Aplicación de métodos de análisis retrospectivos (Back Analysis) para estimar el estado de esfuerzo de un túnel del oriente Antioqueño (Application of retrospective analysis methods (Back Analysis) to estimate the stress state of a tunnel in eastern Antioquia)

    This research presents an analysis of the rock mass deformations due to the excavations of two parallel tunnels connecting JMC International airport and Medellin city.

    Author Velásquez Ortiz, Andrés Felipe

    Universidad Nacional de Colombia

