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DMT to evaluate the safety of several road tunnels in Rhineland Palatinate

    Lutz Genscher
    By Lutz Genscher Replies (1)

    Landesbetrieb Mobilität Rheinland-Pfalz (LBM) has commissioned DMT’s Fire and Explosion Protection department to evaluate the safety of several road tunnels in Rhineland Palatinate over the next five years.

    The team of safety experts, led by Bernd Busemann, will examine whether the tunnels meet necessary safety and fire protection requirements, and advise operators as to how they can make their tunnels even safer in terms of fire protection.

    The basis for the evaluation are the RABT 2006 guideline and the EABT 80/100 recommendations, which describe the requirements for European tunnels.
    LBM will not only benefit both from DMT’s long term experience and specialist knowhow in fire and explosion protection, but also from the fact that questions that arise with respect to underground construction can be answered by other specialist departments in DMT’s Civil & Mining Engineering division.

