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People who like Boris Johnson's Scotland-Ireland Link: "A bridge or tunnel across the Irish Sea is feasible engineering but dubious economics"
Boris Johnson's Scotland-Ireland Link: "A bridge or tunnel across the Irish Sea is feasible engineering but dubious economics"
Kris Lubcek
2000 days ago
in the group
Tunnel Building News (tenders, building progress news, etc)
Replies (32)
Last reply by Kris Lubcek
1483 days ago
Boris Johnson's bonkers plan
Borish Johnson's Britain-Ireland link
UK PM Boris Johnson recently proposed a "link" between Britain and Northern Ireland. Most talk about a bridge and some about a tunnel. Either way, it is a project with a lot of challenges. Read...
Arie van den Broek
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1888 days ago
Coert Klomp
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1616 days ago