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How was WTC2019 Naples? - Your impressions/observations please

Hi guys,

I could not make it into world tunnel congress in naples this year. I would like to hear about it from the people who have been there. I already posted to the event entry but I think because its date has passed people do not read it. So I am posting it.

So. How was it guys? Spit it out!

  • Michael C. Murray
    By Michael C. Murray

    It was NOT a wel organized conference. The venues were disconnected from each other. Mostra d'Oltremare is a horrible place to have conferences, exhitions or fairs. It is simply too dispersed. There is no cohesion. Maybe Mostra d'Oltremare was a good place in - I don't know- in year 1920 but not in 2019!


  • Roberto Calvi
    By Roberto Calvi

    Come on people! Mostra d'Oltremare is a very nice place for such activities. It's atmosphere is enough you know

  • Kris Lubcek
    By Kris Lubcek

    Here is a great coverage of the WTC2019 Naples by Shani Wallis. Everything you guys here mention and more!


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