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Karavanke Tunnel: Cengiz's Turkish personnel to start work in Slovenia this week

    Stanko Novak
    By Stanko Novak Replies (2)

    The contractor company Cengiz will bring 30 Turkish personnel to Slovenia this week, press writes. Cengiz had already shipped the equipment to the ports of Koper and Trieste. Cengiz could not bring Turkish personnel because of the pandemy. 

    Cengiz had stopped the preparatory construction work in March because of Coronavirus. On Austrian side, the construction was also stopped by their contractor.

    The DARS (Slovenian state-owned Road Company)-owned Karavanke tunnel will cost 120 million euro and European Investment Bank lended 90 million of it to DARS. There is already a Karavanke tunnel between Slovenia and Austria. The new one is second tube.


