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South Africa's Master Drilling uses Mobile Tunnel Borer & Artificial Intelligence for mining


Master Drilling is known for its raise boring expertise but in recent years they have been busy transferring tunnel boring machine technology to mining fields.

Their latest release regarding their performance as the company in 2021 has some interesting clues to what they are up to:

Technological innovation and development remain part of Master Drilling’s strategic pillars for the company’s long-term success. The MTB (Mobile Tunnel Borer) has started with a project in South Africa, and the benefits that the MTB can bring with regards to safety and productivity, will revolutionise the industry. Artificial intelligence and big data are driving changes around mining activities to enable cost reductions and improve safety. Hence Master Drilling is committed to positioning itself as an innovation partner with its clients to equip them for a mining industry that continues to encourage further developments in autonomous mining methods.


